Help Keep Our Lakes Safe & Clean
Following are a few things you can do to keep our lakes safe and clean:
Contribute to East Pond
Courtesy Boat Inspections expenses
Invasive Plant Fund Appeal
Rob Jones East Pond Restoration Fund
Read these additional tips on lake friendly living shared by environmental science students
Join a Task Force
Recycle Bottles and Cans at Tri Pond Variety – 164 Village Rd. Smithfield – 207 362-2300
​Please label Bags – East Pond Association or EPA
Reduce the amount of cleared land –“ leave the duff” pine needles and leaves
Work with your Camp Road Task Force
To form a Road Association
For ideas on how to improve your road
​Become an Adopt A Shoreline and Plant ID Inspector – call 7 Lakes Alliance 207 495-6039
​Inspector your section twice during the summer (any time you choose)
Report your finding to 7 Lakes Alliance
Bring unknown plant specimens to 7 Lakes Alliance for identification
Avoid boating in any areas where invasive plants are growing
Become a Courtesy Boat Inspector – call 7 Lakes Alliance 207 495-6039
Learn how to inspect YOUR boat for plants
Volunteer at the Public Boat Launch
Respect Loons – Give them space, keep your distance from parents and chicks, avoid nests
State Law requires NO WAKE within 200 ft. of shore. Tow skiers and tubers in the deeper, central areas of the lake. Propeller wash, especially before planning off, disturbs sediments up to 6 ft. below the water surface.
Do not use phosphorous laden fertilizer on your lake property
Use non-phosphate detergents, soaps and brighteners
Lawn Care
If you have a lawn:
Leave an unmowed buffer strip of grass along the lake.
Let your lawn area grow tall and do not rake out duff.
Limit the use of fertilizers, or eliminate them altogether.
Plant a buffer of trees and shrubs along the shore and road.
Leave existing rocks in place along the lakeside.
(Buffer & Native)
Refer to Recommended Buffer Plants, excerpted from Conservation Practices for Homeowners
Read the 2014 Native Plant Community Screening Report for East Pond written by Kiana Kawamura & Andrew Newcomb from Colby College
Road Care
Refer to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection's new edition of the Camp Road Maintenance Manual.
A wealth of information about establishing and operating a road association is available on the Maine Alliance of Road Association's website.
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has information about laws relating to camp roads and a searchable data base of contractors certified to work within the shoreland zone.
Septic Care
Refer to the East Pond Septic Brochure for basic septic care.
Refer to the condensed version of the ‘Septic System User Notes (July 1997)’ which were included as part of this spring’s ‘Great, East and North Lakes Watershed Stewards Program’ being offered by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.